Monday, February 9, 2009


This is about two Russian guy's, named Daniil (dah-nee-EEL) and Veniamin

( vye-nee-ah-MEEN) Daniil was a missionary, who was about to leave on a mission trip to Siberia. The day before he left, he met Veniamin on his way back to his hotel.

Daniil: "Excuse me" .

Veniamin: "Hallo"

Daniil: "Hallo. do you know where I could find the nearest restaurant in this town?"

Veniamin: "Sure, if you can just wait awhile I'll take you there."

Daniil: "That would be mos kind, thank you"

Veniamin: "Oh you don't have to thank me, I was getting a little hungry myself."

Daniil followed Veniamin to his hotel. He waited outside while Veniamin went in for a few minutes. When Veniamin returned, they both started off walking. Veniamin pointed out the restaurant to Daniil, and they both walked over to it. When they went inside, the waiter was right there to take them to their seats. They both sat down to the table and placed their order, then started to talk.

Veniamin: "Well we haven't really met have we? My name is Veniamin Matveev (maht-VYAY)"

Daniil stood up to shake his hand.

Daniil: "Nice to meet you. My name is Daniil Yakovlev (YAH-kahf)"

Veniamin: " Nice to meet you to."

Daniil: "So Veniamin. I know this is going to sound crazy, but do you ever wonder why you ever born?"

Veniamin: "I sure do. Funny you should ask, it was just yesterday when I was thinking about that."

Daniil: "So have you found the answer?"

Veniamin: "No, I just figured that I'm alive and that's that. Why? do have that answer?"

Daniil: "Yes I do. JESUS is the reason your alive today."

Veniamin: "OK!!! who is Jesus?"

Daniil: "He is the creator of the world, of both you and I, of all people. You did not know that?"

Veniamin: "I did not believe it, and I still don't."

Daniil: "Well how can you be alive today, without a creator? How can there be trees and grass and a sky and all of this, if there is not a creator?"

Veniamin: "Well maybe there was a creator, but he is probably long gong by now."

Daniil: "If he is gong, then why are we still here?"

Veniamin: "Well he has done his job, now it's time for us to take over."

Daniil: "And what have you done to take care of this world?"

Veniamin: "Well!!!!"

Daniil: "You don't know do you?"

Veniamin: "No"

Daniil: "That is because you have done nothing. Because we are to lazy to work that hard. We Wouldn't of even knew where to start. We wouldn't of even thought of it, and nobody would have been alive today. I mean, can you make a horse? can you make water? Do you understand me?"

Veniamin: "Yes I believe I do."

Daniil: "do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

Veniamin: "Go ahead."

Daniil: "Have you ever lied?"

Veniamin: "Yes I have."

Daniil: "What do you call a person who lies?"

Veniamin: "A lire."

Daniil: "Have you ever stolen?"

Veniamin: "Yes."

Daniil: "What does that make you?"

Veniamin: "A theft"

Daniil: "Have you ever used the Lords name in vain?"

Veniamin: "Oh yes."

Daniil: "You know, God has created you, and he has loved you. And this is the way you thank him for it all?"

Veniamin paused.

Daniil: "On the day God judges all of us, for our sins. Do you think you would be Innocent? or guilty?"

Veniamin: "Guilty"

Daniil: Would you go to heaven or hell?"

Veniamin: "I would go to hell."

Daniil: "and does that concern you?"

Veniamin: "Yes it does."

Daniil: "God says in his word. (For God so loves the world. That he gave his only begotten son. That who shall ever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. John3:16) Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, so that we wouldn't have to be punished for our sins. Jesus took the punishment for our sins and died, But he rose agian, and now he is in heaven whatching us from above. And even tho we reject him he still loves us."

Veniamin: "WOW!!! That is really amazing."

Tears fell from Veniamin eyes. As he thought about all that Jesus went through, because he loves us.

Daniil: "would you like to ask God right now, to forgive you of your sins. And to thank him for all he has done?"

Veniamin: "Yes, right away."

They both nelt down on their knees. And began to pray. Veniamin prayed, and asked God to forgive him, he thanked him for all he has done, And asked him to come into his heart, and to save him. And by the blood of Jesus Veniamin was saved. They talked a little longer, then Daniil gave Veniamin a bible, to read about God's word. And then they both left. Veniamin left as a new person, a born agian christian.


  1. That is beautiful! Did you write it or did you get it out of a book?
    God bless!

  2. I wrote it. I want others to know what Jesus has done for them, in a way that they would be more entrusted to read it. So I put it in a story to grab their attention. And I pray that the words on this blog would witness to them.

  3. this is really cool that you wrote this! it is very good. <><

  4. Wow, that is really good (and powerful).

    Thanks for writing it!

